Sheaves as G intended
Rough notes for a talk on sites, meant as part of a preparatory series of lectures on condensed maths. The idea is to motivate sites via the Weil Conjectures; specifically the idea that the Zariski topology doesn't have "enough" open sets.
Advanced Hole Counting
Notes for a talk on Local Cohomology via Cech Cohomology; the talk as it occurred mainly went over the first two sections, and hinted at the last section. As it is, this has left the last section underdeveloped. To fully develop it I think would take talking about the Zariski site, which might be a bit much.
Hochschild Cohomology
Notes for an hour long talk on Hochschild Cohomology. Hopefully these will expand with my knowledge on the subject, when I have time to update then!
Hecke Algebras of \(\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{Q}_p) \)
My Master's thesis, supervised by Dan Ciubotaru.