margok's vault

(matt antrobus's website)


Youtube Video WIP


I am currently working on a youtube video, a bit of a spoof of the "Wired - Expert Explains" videos; the wizard Margok of the wisen tower of Ickzarlat (me) will attempt to explain representation theory at various different levels. Firstly to a slime (whose picture I've used in the top corner of the blog), next a goblin, then a Beholder, and finally a Lich King. When I began writing the video I had a very good sense of my understanding, and of each of these different levels. While writing the video, I think my sensibilities have changed, which have changed how I view the mathematics at play. For instance, my favourite interpretation of character theory is that is just the Yoneda Lemma for over the category of modules of a semisimple algebra over an algebraically closed field. I think talking about the Yoneda in an introductory video is probably a misstep.

Knowledge of the elders...


This is not in fact my first maths blog... I am the proud purveyor of "Matthews Maths Blog", which contains a lot of the fun I had with maths at A-level, and a few fun projects, but isn't very reflective of what I do today. If you'd like to check it out, feel free!