margok's vault

(matt antrobus's website)

Who goes there?..

I am a first year PhD student at the University of Manchester, supervised by Prof. Peter Symonds. I completed my undergraduate and masters studies at the University of Oxford, where my thesis project was on Hecke Algebras of \( \operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{Q}_p) \).

My main interest at the moment is in Hochschild Cohomology. In the sidebar you'll find a list of talks / reading groups I've given, files (such as my thesis), my cv, some of the things I've had fun with mathematically, and some of my hobbies. An auspicious list of accomplishments to be sure...

If you would like to email me, complete these tasks three; take my first name (in full), then my second, and adjoin them using a "." in between. Next, follow with these potent, arcane words "".... upon this diabolical spell reaching the "recipient" box of your email, wait three days and three nights; any correspondence sent via this process will assuredly reach me.